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Knowing God

Is it really possible?

God has a plan for you

God, the Father, Son and  Holy Spirit: a living relationship


1. God, a relational Being

God is love and communion. He reveals himself as Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, but he is ONE and indivisible. God is the Supreme Being, whom no one can fathom. It is up to us to believe that he is what he is, the eternal ''I Am'', to take time to go to Him in communion. As Creator and Father of the family, his main attribute is love and mercy. God cares about each of us. He relates, forgives, consoles, heals, instructs,  educates, and  blesses men.

2. God, Omnipresent, Omniscient and Omnipotent Being

God is beyond our thoughts and our limits. By his omnipresence he fills everything and is found everywhere; he sits in the celestial places which are beyond our planet and the galaxies. By his omniscience, he knows everything: present, past and future. By his omnipotence, he governs and can do anything.

3. God lives in eternity

God is alive, eternal, immortal and infinite. He is timeless and lives forever. He is immutable, transcendent, adorable and loved. He IS because he exists by himself and bears titles and attributes which he reveals to his own. His desire is to bring man intoeternal life.

4. God speaks to us, educates us, and blesses us as a Father

The word Father is mentioned 109 times, and Son  30 times in the Gospel of John. God is Father from all eternity; Jesus Christ his Son shows us his face and his heart as a Father. The Father is in Christ, and Christ is in the Father. They share the same divine nature. John 14:7-11. They are in a communion of love. The Father associated his Son with all his projects. Through Christ, God, the Father created everything, and everything subsists in Him. Colossians 1:12-17. Like a father, what he expects of us first is obedience to his word.


God loves you. He knows your name, your life, your dreams and aspirations. Whatever your situation, He wants to talk to you, reach out to you, and be a Father to you, where perhaps parental love and support has failed. In Yeshua you will find a friend, a perfect Savior who has a saving message for your soul. He wants to be a precious help for you, in a troubled world, in perpetual crises, in need of landmarks, identity and moral values.


Don't you want to know Jesus, take seriously the message of the Kingdom to live eternally with God? Yes, the Spirit of truth wants to restore everything within you. Say yes to the Lord, REPENT and confess to him  your sins to obtain his forgiveness. Open your heart to him  and receive his love and the power of the Spirit, to become a true disciple. He will guide you every day and you will accomplish exploits with Him. 


You can make this simple prayer to God:

Almighty and eternal God, I come before you to acknowledge my sin and my need for you. I no longer want to live as before, for myself but for and by you. Help me to follow you and your Son Jesus Christ faithfully. I love you and accept you today as Lord and Saviour. I recognize Jesus, that you died on the cross to save me  Accompany me every day and grant me the gift of the Holy Spirit, to live this beautiful adventure of faith! Free me and restore my life and my shattered dreams. Also affects my whole family. Be the guardian of my soul, the one who makes me triumph over Evil and iniquity, to be useful to your Kingdom, by obeying your perfect will. Thank you for your forgiveness, your love, your guidance and your answers to my prayers, throughout my life. Thank you Lord. Amen.  


Trust that God has heard you and that you will never be alone again. He will henceforth guide you by his Holy Spirit, towards an abundant life in Him, by a direct, rich and privileged relationship. And if you want to know more or benefit from more help and support, you can contact us via our contact page or via the telephone number below.

May God bless you and welcome you to the great family of believers.

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