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Follow Christ and be role models

Disciples of Yeshua, we want to be found in Him, clothed not in our own righteousness, which would come from the practice of any religion, from good morality, but by having faith in his righteousness, and letting it imprint itself on us. , becoming one with Him through the Holy Spirit, who works in us to will and to do.

It is Yeshua who purifies us and transforms us into his image. We want to show everyone that it is possible to live a godly, honest, upright life, full of good fruits, by following his commandments and ordinances.

Yes, for those who love God, his commandments are not painful; on the contrary,   they find all their pleasure there.

Image de Nathan McBride
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Disciples Bringing Hope

Faithful to the biblical vision and that of our predecessors who manifested His life, transmitted His thought, Yeshua Ha Machiah is counting on us to form until the end a pure and zealous people, walking by the Holy Spirit.


Our message is for people from all walks of life, regardless of social class, who want access to salvation and eternal life in Christ. Those who wish can deepen their knowledge through our courses and find their calling. 

The topics covered on this site and in the courses we provide are imbued with hope, following the example of the life of the people of Israel (past and present) and the community life of the first disciples.

Rehabilitate the notion of ''family''

The family is a vital base for the transmission of values, but these values are increasingly lost in our fallen society of faith and morals.


The notion of family holds a prominent place in our hearts; so we talk about celibacy, marriage, and divorce from a biblical perspective, so that men and women can fully appreciate the meaning of their commitment to marriage, their duty and their responsibility before God.


God desires to glorify himself within our families, so that our children may inherit his life, his love and his blessings.

Famille souriante
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